Thursday, 1 November 2012

Miracle cure for killer dengue

Dengue a virus spread by the  Aides Aegypti mosquito is now emerging as  the most rapidly spreading viral disease killer in the Indian sub continent. 

While Indian statistics on number of cases are yet to be confirmed the statistics reported from Pakistan which is similar in many aspects to Indian conditions has the alarm bells ringing.

1995 -2004      -        699 
2005 to 2011   -  55, 946 
2011                  -  25,000

All mosquito  feed on nectar and plant juices, however increasingly rotting  fruits and vegetables in garbage heaps also sustains them. Ignoring building and city planning codes,  disregard for sanitation leads to rotting food  in garbage and stagnant water bodies are some of the main drivers of this epidemic.

The virus  is carried from persons infected with dengue virus to the uninfected person by the female mosquito which also feeds on human blood.

There is neither a preventable vaccine, nor is there a treatment that specifically kills the dengue virus in conventional medical practice. The only solution they offer is to place the patient in an Intensive care unit for observation and provide blood transfusions. 

Dengue and many other problems have been addressed over the ages by traditional herbs and plants which modern people tend to scoff at and therefore have to undergo unnecessary anguish.

Several first hand accounts have revealed that the leaf of the humble Papaya plant does provide a cure.
It increases the platelet count in the blood which falls critically low in a person infected with the dengue virus.

All you need is 
·         Two papaya leaves on Day One and 
·         Two papaya leaves on Day Two
Cut off the stem and the thick veins of light green on the leaves. 
Use only the dark green leaf portion. 
Grind it with a tablespoon of water. 
Squeeze the paste through a muslin cloth or a strainer. 
Drink the liquid which may be a tablespoon or two of papaya leaf juice. 
Instant Benefits
Within 3 hours of drinking this juice, your platelet count jumps up.
The effect is immediate 
Do the same procedure the next day, two papaya leaves, remove stem and veins, grind the green leafy part with a tablespoon of water, strain the juice through a muslin cloth or through a strainer. Drink the juice and that's it. You are cured. 

Please spread this around. It has saved many from both diseases, dengue and chikungunya.

You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow. But it works.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Finger Pointing

Grumbling has become a sort of national past-time.

Many things in life are not the way we wish them to be, and almost everyone we meet moan and groan about something or the other. The best part is someone else is always at  fault. We point the finger at something or someone else.

The usual villains are;

The government:  Faceless, nameless and formless, constantly growing and consuming increasing amounts of resources, this is the black hole of our existence. No one knows what it really is and how it actually functions. The only thing you know about it is that it makes life more difficult. So if we have a problem that we cannot put a finger on, it must be the government's fault.

The political leaders: Unlike the government most of these are highly visible people. Usually obnoxious, blatantly insincere, unduly aggressive and surrounded by a bevy of people who hang on. Many of their companions look a little shady. If something is going wrong, people believe surely that these guys in starched white 'khadi' clothes must be behind it.

The foreign hand: This is a very convenient item in the closet of the grumbler. Anything that cannot be attributed to any logical analysis or observation is attributed to this element. It could be Pakistan, China, Al Qaeda, America, Britain etc. The antics of the elements named easily permit any dim wit to blame them. The advantages of blaming 'the foreign hand' is that it is almost impossible to prove and conspiracy theories are extremely engaging to the average person.

The illiterate masses: This is the poor Indian whose numbers are swelling. They must remain in misery and not make their plight known to the more fortunate of their country brethren. They are blamed for the squalor and the lawlessness that surrounds us. Yet statistically they are more law abiding than their fellow 'educated' countrymen. Since they are often desperate and therefore to provide a better future for themselves and their  families they must be doing something wrong. They get unfairly blamed for many of our problems.

We almost never ever accept responsibility for our actions and more so for our inaction. It has become fashionable to blame someone else.

We should ask ourselves, "What have I done to remedy the situation? If I have done nothing nor made any effort then maybe I should be silent until I am willing to participate in bringing about positive change."

Grumbling, lecturing or voting once in a while can hardly qualify as doing something. If we feel that we cannot do anything then all hope is lost and we are doomed.

As my brother Varinder always said; "Whenever you wake up it's morning. "Sat Sri Akal, Namaste, Salaam, Good Morning, whatever you may say, please wake up. It is your life and if you do not do anything about it yourself, no one else is likely to do anything about it for you.

Let us also stop rubbing our national nose and self respect into the mud. We as individuals are also a tiny part of this great land and rich civilization which is going through testing times. If we prevail, then we shall once again rise to reclaim our heritage and our sanity. If we fail then ....................

We will be amazed at what each one of us is capable of achieving , once we are clear in our minds and true in our spirit.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Respect yourself

Environmentalism can only work if there is respect.  
Respect for nature, and all of Creation.

During a walk one late morning, I passed through a back 
street and came upon a pile of garbage consisting of left 
over food and disposable plates and glasses etc. I asked 
around and learnt that the garbage was dumped there by 
the staff of a school from across the street.  So I marched 
up to the school gate and asked for the person in charge 
of the office. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and gave 
the bewildered watchman a piece of my mind.

I saw some gentlemen, and mistaking them to be from 
the school gave them a piece of my mind too. I was soon 
embarrassed to learn that they were in-fact from a social
organisation looking to clean up the environment. The 
folks enthusiastically invited me to join their cause and 
attend at the school itself the launch of their environment 
drive the following Tuesday. I readily agreed.

My wife and I walked to the meeting on Tuesday. My 
heart sank when I observed that non biodegradable 
plastic disposable materials were used in abundance. 
The food was stored and served in disposable plastic as 
were the numerous banners, commemoration plaques etc.  

All this  amazing quantity of non recyclable  materials 
which would surely be dumped into the environment the 
next morning.

Our children and our followers never listen to what we 
say, but rather to what we do.  I tried to politely point 
out to my well intending hosts that I felt they were 
wasting their time and those of others.

My uninvited suggestions to the organizers were 
acknowledged by them with all the right noises, but 
their expressions betrayed the opinion that they thought 
I must be crazy to expect real change.

Everyone asks for suggestions and criticism but people 
really only want praise.

It is fashionable to go with the crowds, pretending to do 
what everyone else seems to be saying or doing. People 
should say only what they mean, and do what they say.

I am an optimist and believe we can protect our 
environment which nourishes us, if we do so with 
integrity and respect. Come. let us join together and be 
true environmentalists. 

If you wish to be respected by yourself and others 
then please respect your environment.

Friday, 20 July 2012

This is my land

The Bishnoi community people of Kankani village near Jodhpur in India revere all life. They know that their environment nurtures them  and they in turn respect and protect their environment. This was highly publicised in October 1998 when the local people agitated and had a group of irresponsible film actors from Mumbai arrested for poaching and the senseless killing of several animals including endangered species of black buck and Chinkara deer.

What really transpired only God knows, but what was heartening was the local people arose in unison to protect and preserve their environment.  In most places this sense of belonging is now mainly visible by its absence.

I travel extensively across my beautiful country spoilt by garbage, filth, the polluted air and stinking water bodies.  Most people cover their nose and mouth and trudge along or merely drive past.

I despair not only for the desecration of our home and environment but at the total apathy of my people. Then I ask myself, 'my people?', who are these strangers? How come my people have become destroyers of their own land?

By nature people are neither fools, nor are they uncaring, then what causes them to become so indifferent to their impending self destruction?

Love gives rise to a sense of belonging and care. Such people need few laws and even fewer law enforcement people. They live by a code of honour and respect which has existed successfully for millennia. Societies living in harmony with their environment have thrived and those that have failed to do so are doomed to perish sooner or later.

Symbiosis of man and nature leads to both enrichment of the environment and its people. Skew the balance and the entire fabric comes apart.

However if people are shunned or made irrelevant they possess neither love nor belonging. But what is making people uncaring? The answer is big government and our current system of governance. The government is normally blamed and rightly so, for it is so disconnected from the needs, problems and possible solutions of its people. It has by way of legislation and bullying monopolised all powers, resources and means to deliver services to the people.

An officer or a department sitting far away manned by bureaucrats having no stake in the outcome of any situation can hardly be motivated to do what is appropriate. Bureaucrats and government exist only for their own self preservation.

The government consisting of politicians, bureaucrats, government officers and their select vendors can afford to show totally disdain simply because of the apathy of the people.

Apathy sets in when people do not have mechanisms for discussion, interaction, sharing of problems and possible solutions.

Be it medical facilities, education, garbage, crime, corruption, the only way forward is to force by political, judicial  and civil activism the government to vacate all areas of activities except defence, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and policing. Leave it to the people to evolve non governmental policies and structures.

This is my land, these are my people and this is my world. Let us come together, start a dialogue implement plans and bequeath to our children a better world than what we inherited.

# Black buck deer and Chinkara gazelle images from wikipedia
Bishnoi girl image from Flickr;

Thursday, 10 May 2012

I love Gaia

'Gaia' , The personification of Mother Earth as per Greek Mythology is also called by many many names.

Our planet Earth is part of a small star system, in a tiny galaxy of this universe, but it is our home. We who inhabit this beautiful planet are insignificant as individuals but collectively are inflicting irreversible damage to this home.

The bad news is that at the current rate mankind along with many lifeforms could be in all likely hood be extinct in 100 years. The good news is that current levels of technology, and management can provide us the means to stop further destruction and eventually recover much of what we have lost and are currently losing.

Almost everyone either points a finger at someone else or throw up their hands in despair and frustration. Most people too love this earth and life and are individually concerned and even worried about our environment, but feel helpless to do anything.
How can I as an individual or my family really make a difference? That is a question that we all ask and  find f if any answers.

Yes, as an individual you can do much more than can be imagined.  Many people have pulled up their sleeves and started doing something, in fact anything to save our home and leave to our children a world better than that was bequeathed to us by our parents.

I am more of a thinker and a facilitator and less of a doer, so I decided with the help of my many friends and guides to try and share ways and means to live a healthier, happier and more prosperous life and yet respect our environment.

Working in pooling our knowledge and efforts, the worst outcome of our efforts will result in stopping our slide towards certain extinction, however the best that can happen is that we will reverse the trend, and help Gaia to heal herself, while individually becoming materially, physically and emotionally wealthier.

The first step I feel would be to identify what we can do as individuals, followed by what we can do as families and small groups, then as a community and then as universal citizens.
We would attempt to collate knowledge and wisdom that already exists along with the means to implement that knowledge in your personal lives.

I implore you to be a part of this community and take advantage and contribute your knowledge with others, after all this planet belongs to all of us.