Friday, 14 September 2012

Respect yourself

Environmentalism can only work if there is respect.  
Respect for nature, and all of Creation.

During a walk one late morning, I passed through a back 
street and came upon a pile of garbage consisting of left 
over food and disposable plates and glasses etc. I asked 
around and learnt that the garbage was dumped there by 
the staff of a school from across the street.  So I marched 
up to the school gate and asked for the person in charge 
of the office. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and gave 
the bewildered watchman a piece of my mind.

I saw some gentlemen, and mistaking them to be from 
the school gave them a piece of my mind too. I was soon 
embarrassed to learn that they were in-fact from a social
organisation looking to clean up the environment. The 
folks enthusiastically invited me to join their cause and 
attend at the school itself the launch of their environment 
drive the following Tuesday. I readily agreed.

My wife and I walked to the meeting on Tuesday. My 
heart sank when I observed that non biodegradable 
plastic disposable materials were used in abundance. 
The food was stored and served in disposable plastic as 
were the numerous banners, commemoration plaques etc.  

All this  amazing quantity of non recyclable  materials 
which would surely be dumped into the environment the 
next morning.

Our children and our followers never listen to what we 
say, but rather to what we do.  I tried to politely point 
out to my well intending hosts that I felt they were 
wasting their time and those of others.

My uninvited suggestions to the organizers were 
acknowledged by them with all the right noises, but 
their expressions betrayed the opinion that they thought 
I must be crazy to expect real change.

Everyone asks for suggestions and criticism but people 
really only want praise.

It is fashionable to go with the crowds, pretending to do 
what everyone else seems to be saying or doing. People 
should say only what they mean, and do what they say.

I am an optimist and believe we can protect our 
environment which nourishes us, if we do so with 
integrity and respect. Come. let us join together and be 
true environmentalists. 

If you wish to be respected by yourself and others 
then please respect your environment.